
Showing posts from April, 2023

Prelude à l’après-midi d’un faun

My life has been   a series of dances The contortion of birth The late-night sway in a strong pair of arms The pram-escorted air kick Where rubbery feet  tapped along the cloud covered floor  of the passing sky The hurry, flurry crawl The first step wobble The handheld promenades The flirtation with waves  The first snow prance The green mile stroll on the first day of school The years later Spring Festivals Where it felt thrilling to  Move with partners Whose dresses rustled like department store tissue paper And ponytails galloped in the wind The Junior High Friday night-grinding The High School backseat tango  The college dorm seductions The one-knee proposal The very first gambol as Mr. And Mrs.  Which led to  The ballet of the bending over backward The extraction of concessions The half-hearted apologies The turning away when you knew it was over And now all that is left  Is the calligraphy of remorse And the lone wolf howl of despair Until one day In the first-born hours of the a