We All Knew A Gabby
We all knew a Gabby
She was the toddler in a passing stroller
Whose smile
Made you feel loved
On an unnavigatable day.
She was the girl in daycare
That every fingerpainting boy
Wanted to sit next to.
She was the girl in kindergarten
Whose instinict was to hug
A suddenly homesick neighbor
When it all became too much
She was the girl who was scared of thunder
And sobbed when anyone was lost in a cartoon.
She was the one that the dog always waited for
Like a statue In the driveway
She was Mary in the Christmas play
Elsa on Halloween
A dancing sunflower in the Easter pageant
A birthday princess delighted by her Dora the Explorer cake
The girl with the pretty face
Who sang the solo when the class sang Imagine.
She was the crush of an endless tide
Of lovestruck boys and girls.
The girl whose hair seemed to be weaved out
Of gold
The girl who seemed to glide while others
She was everyone’s cheerleader in high school
The one who seemed destined to become the Queen
Of the prom.
The one who was always up for the next
Freespirited adventure
Who hated limits and
About getting married barefoot
In a gown made of Queen Anne lace and
Having bushels of babies
Who she could comfort
And protect.
Because that was what mommies and daddies do.
And she was the blue eyed girl
who trusted way too much
And always picked the one boy who would most likely
Hurt her
Until she cried out
In disbelief,
“Why do you have to be so mean?”
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