A Lifetime of Dances

There have been

A lifetime of dances.

The belly dance delivery 

The late-night sway

The pram-driven air kick

The baby pub crawl

The first step wobble

The handheld promenades

The flirtation with waves 

The first snow prance

The Green-Mile stroll 

on the first day of school

The years later, Spring Festivals

Where it felt thrilling to 

Move with girls

Whose dresses rustled 

like the tissue paper

And ponytails galloped in the wind.

The Junior High Friday night-grinding

The High School backseat tango 

The college dorm seductions

The one-knee proposal

The very first gambol as Mr. And Mrs. 

Which led to 

The samba of fights

The tango of concessions

The waltz of apologies

The turning away 

When you knew it was over

And now all that is left. 

Is the choreography of remorse

and a dance card filled with second thoughts

Until one day

In the first-born hours of the afternoon 

The ghost

Of someone you lost

will rise like a mystery

to Debussy’s 

Prelude à l’après-midi d’un faun

And offer you a hand.

For one last spin.


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