It begins with the forecast
of our disposition.
which we depend on
like the bedtime reading of Goodnight Moon.
without warning
the world betrays you
like your friends did
when they disappeared
without explanation.
Time reverses its course
and you are suddenly hell-bent for
the asylum of childhood.
The Stargazer Lilies become unforgivable.
Che gelida manina intolerable
and your heart begins to suffocate
like Desdemona
at the hands of the one who loved her most
Despite your cries of anguish
and the last-ditch effort of Hail Mary prayers
it starts to rain bricks
like a biblical curse
which like the early stages of Jenga
seems manageable
until The Unforgiving
decide to accelerate this
game of the Gods
and entomb you beneath the stacks
Like tomorrow
when we will watch her fade away
with no assurance from the moon
like a flurry of epilogues
which covers every name
that are etched in stone.
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