To anyone whose fascist, white nationalist politics have prompted me to call you an idiot, who claims that "I don't know them," let me offer this:

I know you to your core.

You have appeared over and over again in history. You are part of the staggeringly misinformed, arrogant, self-entitled minority who are easily seduced by the yellow journalism of Fox News, just like the Third Reich brainwashed its frustrated masses, who claim to be a Christian when your entire existence proves otherwise.

I know you.

You are easily manipulated by anyone who looks and sounds like you, while behind closed doors your current, pathologically lying, fake tycoon, Russian asset President, like others before him, is ridiculing you for you sheer gullibility.

Thanks to you, walls are discussed, immigrant children are abused, autocrats and murderous dictators are lovingly embraced, world allies are insulted, let them eat cake tax cuts for the rich are dispensed like Christmas gifts, your health care and Social Security are put in jeopardy, women are marginalized, the government continues to try and control their bodies, the environment is flooded with known carcinogens in the name of industry, unarmed black men are murdered in the street, people of different faiths are threatened, as are journalists whose selfless jobs have a direct lineage to the very birth of our American patriotism.

I know you.

You are the inevitably beaten down, erased and periodically resuscitated, whose religion, rather than being used as a roadmap for a compassionate and a selfless life, (which is why it was created), is instead used to justify your racist views. It's not about Christ it's about your narcissism. Your sense of entitlement which you now call patriotism.

It's about treating prayer like it was a lottery ticket or the Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes to make up for what you are either unwilling or incapable of earning for yourself.

I know you.

Many of us, myself included, came from nothing. I grew up the poorest kid amongst my upper-middle-class friends. I have been tormented and beaten for being a Jew.

But not once did I ever ally with a group whose leader was specifically chosen because he mirrored my deeply held prejudices. Not once did I require someone to violate the laws and principles of the American Constitution just so I could have myself a little western style, jingoist, self-satisfaction.

You know why? Because it's not about me.

Patriotism is the ideology of love and devotion to a homeland, and a sense of alliance with other citizens who share the same values.

I am a Patriot and I fight with my words, which is my way of doing everything in my power to stop you from desecrating and destroying our man-made and not God given Democracy, just because you never got to climb the ladder of success or are threatened by any form of education or evolutionary thinking, simply because it threatens your way of life, which is the very life that you despise.

This country was formed as a direct response to tyranny. As a way to separate ourselves from the church.
I am a man of the people. Vox populi.

I stand for decency, civility, honor, the freedom for anyone to love anyone that they want. I stand for the rights for animals who deserve nothing less than the kind of love that we are all capable of giving. 

I know you.

You are the one who did nothing when the babies of Sandy Hook were slaughtered like farm pigs.

You are the one who did nothing after the Las Vegas shooting or the ones in any public school, like Parkland.
I am a liberal which means I am open and liberal in my thinking, but not when it comes to people like you.

I know you.

But sadly, you do not know yourself.


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