Yesterday at a rally for the Confederate of Donces, your president mocked the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, as both WHITE men and women behind him hooted and hollered like the cheap seat crowd at the Ancient Rome gladiator games.
And why not? This is a man who has been accused of sexual abuse by 22 women, who announced on national TV that he tried to fuck a married woman and that being a celebrity gave him the right to grab women by the pussy.
And what sentence has been brought down on him? This one:
He can get away with anything.
This came just one day before the New York Times’ breathtaking, factually detailed story (based on a vast trove of confidential tax returns and financial records) on how Trump’s father not only bankrolled him from the time he was 3, but endlessly committed tax fraud (with the full cooperation and participation of the entire family) and better yet, endlessly bailed out his incompetent, idiot son who proved that the only thing that he could do with any consistency was failing on a spectacular level.
The completely manufactured Trump story was that he started out with a simple million dollar loan from his father, which he paid back with interest, which of course according to the New York Times is total bullshit.
To make matters worse, he ran on the strength and was subsequently elected based on it. This was the Trump version of him chopping down a cherry tree, with the only difference being, in the end, Donald, not only can Trump not like but in the end he did a hatchet job on his father, when he tried to have his father’s will altered as Fred Trump lay on his deathbed.
As Woodward and Bernstein were taught, the way to catch a criminal is to follow the money and that is exactly what reporters Susanne Craig, David Barstow and Russ Buettner have done in grand style. It is now all right out there in literal black and white for the whole literate, newspaper reading public to see.
And what is the White House’s instant reply? Come on. You know. You've heard it a million times. It’s all lies and it’s the failing New York Times out to get him.
I encourage Trump to sue them and once and for all see how he deals with well over 100,000 pages of proof.
Of course, he won’t. He’ll threaten to do it, but, well, you have seen this show for almost two years now.
I have often referred to his followers as WWE The People, meaning that they are the same crowd who fill the Smackdown and Raw shows at stadiums all over America. I know them well because I worked for less than a bemused blink two weeks for that organization and came in direct contact with its audience who were all there to enjoy the comic book show. Everyone plays a vital role at those events, including both the wrestlers and the audience who all know it’s pretend, but give themselves fully to it because it is so much outsized, goofy testosterone driven fun. Let us remember that Trump was a character there.
And I would love to say the exact same thing about the Confederacy of Donces show; that they are all in it for the joke, but it is far more insidious than that.
Trump has never been anything more than a self-invented character who could be charming in a buffoonish kind of way if it wasn’t for the fact that he was trained and mentored by the slithering serpent known as Roy Cohn who was one of the most despicable people in the history of our country.
Roy Cohn, a vicious, cruel, self-loathing closeted homosexual/lawyer, who was finally cut down by AIDS, taught Donald to treat people like he was their Slumlord and master. Those two were like a perverse version of Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan, where Trump was taught how to communicate Cohn style. It is significant to note that Trump refused to have Braille on the doors of Trump Tower because, as he said at the time, “we don’t rent to blind people.”
Trump has always been infatuated with his own mythical self to the point that he actually believes that he wrote “The Art of the Deal,” which of course he did not write one single word of. According to the real author Tony Schwartz, Trump was incapable of cooperating because of his severely limited attention span.
And here we are today, watching both Trump and the GOP turn an FBI investigation into the legitimacy of a Supreme Court candidate into yet another mockery of justice. This is no different than Trump’s depiction of a handicapped man or the parents of a slain American hero.
Most of America despises Kavanaugh. Frozen in time will be the image of him sitting mute in his seat like a defiant, smug two-year-old refusing to eat his dinner as Senator Durbin asked him the simple, direct question: would he support an FBI investigation into the whole he said/she said debate, which would reveal the truth? Now picture that same two-year-old in Judge's robes sitting for the rest of his life in his Supreme Court high chair.
We got trouble, my friend, right here in River swamp city.
The thing is, Trump is not so P.C. Barnum who knows better than anyone that there is a sucker born every minute, who is not even pretending to play to the far more sophisticated and college educated big top tent crowd, but is focused solely on the sideshow of freaks who prefer leaders who speak and think just like them. Give the people what they want is the backbone of the circus and no one know that better than Ringmaster Trump.
For whatever it’s worth, let us remind ourselves that Trump's base is a minority who think, just like the cheap seat crowd at the WWE, that since their events are televised, they have become, by association, reality show stars too. They feel empowered. They wear team hats and get to publicly attack liberals, whose intellect threatens their religious beliefs, whose media insults them, whose science takes away their jobs and turn their baseless vitriol into a Presidentially sanctioned bloodsport event, where their fearless leader can stand like a smug Mussolini and bask in the glow of their completely manipulated rage.
Behind that smile of his, is the joy in watching peons dance for him.
This is a page right out of Evita.
What Roy Cohn taught Helen Keller Trump to do was a simple tactic: beat down your opponents without a stop until they just throw up their hands and walk away in disgust and to him, in defeat.
What I implore you all to do is the complete and total opposite.
Now is not the time to allow the Day of RoyCohning to come.
It is time to wake up our hiber-nation and join the mass murder survivors of Parkland, Sandy Hook and Las Vegas and stand strong and reclaim the America that we all grew up with.
What happens is what we allow.
What we will tolerate.
Apathy gets you, a pathetic man.
Civility, decency, kindness and the hallmarks of American Democracy are not dead. Go visit any town in any part of the real America. Take the time to visit with
The From Sea To Shining Sea People.
I guarantee that you will find friendship. Magnanimity. Shared dreams. Immutable faith. Respect. A mutual love of country. What makes us the most powerful people on the planet is not our wealth or military. It is our compassion. Our willingness to sacrifice. Our love for nature and animals. No one is alone in America. Certainly not where I live. Despite its reputation and intensity, New York City has a small town mentality. We just move faster than most. Talk faster. Think faster. But stop us on the street and ask us for directions and you will get our full attention. We’re just like you. We love our city and are passionate about showing it off. Washington slept really well here. We know how to throw one hell of a July 4th party.
We sing the same national anthem as you do at our stadiums and arenas. We love the same barbecue, the same burgers and the same pizza. We fret about our children, healthcare and social security.
America is the unalterable place that we live in day after day where little has changed, other than the fact that brother is once again pitted against brother in a kind of undeclared Civil War.
And that is because we allow images and fear mongers to stir our passions.
The game is never ever about us. It is always about one thing and one thing alone: their power. Their wealth.
Sadly it takes a sudden, national tragedy like 9/11 to take us temporarily out of their game because at that moment the pursuit of power becomes meaningless. For a few days.
but even that never lasts.
We move on. That is what we do. We move on.
But do we really? We also never forget. I don’t forget Pearl Harbor. I don’t forget political assassinations. I don’t forget the names and faces of the victims of gun violence or the thousands who suffered from the wrath of hurricanes.
Not forgetting is not the same as moving on. Moving on is just exiting off the highway of pain.
Not forgetting is the potent tonic that we drink to makes us feel whole again. To make us strong. To give honor to those who suffer and to appreciate just how must we have.
We are America.
Not the politicians.
We are an army of one. We are citizens of one town. Patriots of one country, who can survive anything, who have a vision that is based on the belief that anyone with a dream can accomplish anything.
Just being able to pursue our dreams, whether we realize all of them, part of them or none of them, still sets us apart from too many countries where dreaming alone is futile. Where speaking out would mean certain death. Where women are whipped, men beheaded and children are orphaned by the minute.
What we need in our daily diet is not paranoia or blame or anger. What we need is simple gratitude. Unconditional love dispensed from us, not only to us.
We have to take seriously what our separate but equal religions have to say about human nature.
We have to learn how to live as if every day was Saturday or Sunday, depending on where you worship.
We have to do better than yesterday and not as good as tomorrow.
Starting today.
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