The future has begun.  

It began on November 6, 2016, which, given who was elected, will be remembered as a day that will go down in infancy.

Beginning with that Mussolini/thug style inauguration speech of his,  which was immediately followed by the first staggering lie by Sean Spicer that the turn out was the biggest in history,  the future has never seemed brighter.

Come on writer, explain yourself.  Have you not been watching MSNBC round the clock until your head explodes like an overripe pumpkin at The Crossroads of the West gun show?   (Next stop: High schools!).

What was unleashed on that day was the same kind of Nazi infused energy which was last witnessed at the end of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (which is the name all our Synagogues at the moment).

The point is, that level of hatred was not anything new.  It has been festering and boiling on the stoves especially in the South alone since 1865.  And things even uglier when President Obama was elected and then re-elected.  

It should be noted that to this day photos of lynchings can be purchased at certain Southern flea markets.

Outside of certain concentration camps in Europe kiosks are selling Nazi memorabilia.  

Ah but here in America, which Jeff Daniels of the show the Newsroom will be the first to inform you that America is no longer the greatest country on earth (it’s on YouTube and is required viewing) the GOPhuck Yourselves have become the equivalent of Televangelists, who will heal or save you in return for their mansions and private planes or in the case of  Republican Senators like Devon Nunes, Lindsay Graham and the single most vile person in America, Mitch McConnell,  it was all for your vote, which translated means, it’s all for them.

Do you actually believe that Ted Cruz is a good Christian man?  Do you really think that Trump hasn’t paid for more abortions than Motley Crue?  

I call this the Cruzifiction of America.   Note that double pun.

Forget that James Madison insisted on the separation between Church and State because of what the Church did to Europe.  That whole concept has gone right out the window with God him/herself.

You heard me right.  

The GOP has single-handedly killed God.  

You work for them now.  Can I have an amen?

What Trump has been doing is what Fox News and the GOP has been doing all along.

They have been screwing with the evangelical community by speaking in their nativity tongue, telling them what they want to hear, while rat fucking America with staggering selfishness.

None of them, especially Trump is a good liar.  It’s just that easy.  Read the new Psychology Today magazine article about the mentality of the Trump supporter.

This is nothing more than A Fascist in the Crowd and sadly, business is a -boomin’.

Fascists oppose both international socialism and free market capitalism, arguing that their views represented a third position. They claim to provide a realistic economic alternative that was neither laissez-faire capitalism nor communism.  Oh: and they blame minorities for all their problems.  See: hate crimes.

So, you must be asking yourself, what the hell am I talking about when I say the future has begun?

It’s simple really.  

It’s not about what Temporary Resident Trump is doing, it’s how we are reacting to him that makes all the difference.

Since we haven’t been able to nail the son of a bitch yet, we have taken out our anger on easy targets like Harvey Weinstein, Keven Spacey, Charlie Rose,  Bill Cosby, etc.

As of January 2019, there are 102 women in the U.S. House of Representatives (not counting four female territorial delegates), making women 23.4% of the total of U.S. Representatives. Women have been elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from 46 of the 50 states.

Do not take that lightly.  They are Women Hear Me Roarpublicans.  A new breed of savvy, outspoken, powerful women.

Trump has no idea how to deal with Nancy and her Sluggos.  

Trump has never been anything more than Not P.C. Barnum of his own Flea Circus.  He’s been a staggering failure whose way of surviving was taught to him by Roy Cohn, who may have been the single worst American born human being ever born.  In this one single case, AIDS gave us justice.

Two years into the Trump Residency, we are watching the LGBT community stand taller.  I just watched a galvanizing commercial that featured a Transgender woman who served our country making us see clearly what patriotism actually means.

Every single member of the Trump family has been served.

They have never served.

Sadly, today, to the average Trump Supporter patriotism can now be defined as self-entitlement.

It’s all about grabbing and looting whatever they can while smashing symbolic pinatas which have as much meaning to them as caged children.

I recently visited the new Hudson Yards in New York and was appalled by it.    It is a living breathing monument to the Trump years.

It is not “New York” like on any level.  

It is nothing more than Midtown Dubai.  It has no regard for history.  It has nothing to do with the true character of our beloved city.  

But even worse it is a living, breathing monument to the 1% who are now banging down apartment buildings in neighborhoods like the Upper West Side and replacing them with McMansions without a thought or care about the poor people who have to live with the polluted air and insufferable noise.  Pets are literally on tranquilizers.

I get crazy when the news talks about the division in today’s political world.  There is no division.   

This is a perversion of extreme Capitalism at its most grotesque.   

Being a writer, I do not have any respect for hedge fund people and real estate tycoons.   They know how to play and cheat at Monopoly and then expect to be treated like royalty.  Well this boy, from Queens, don’t play that.   I have blue-collar roots and I’ve been a union man all of my life.

Personally, I will take Walden Pond over the swamp any day.

But there is hope as long as the likes of A.O.C. aka Ms. Tom Joad has a mike in her hand.

I have worked in Hollywood for almost 30 years and I always laugh during the Oscars because the town comes across as being so inclusive when it has been anything but.

Fear is the one common thread/threat in that town and there are people there, with little or no talent, who will do whatever it is necessary to see you fail.

Hollywood has long been a microcosm of America at its worst.  Minorities and women have been rejected and/or abused since the days of silent movies.

But things there are changing for sure.  Unctuous, grabby executives are falling like Confederate statutes.  Asians, blacks, and women are finally getting their share of the spotlight.  You did see what Captain Marvel and Crazy Rich Asians made, right?

All of this happened because of our Apprenident Trump.    

Every day our anger rises to impossible levels.   But there are voices out there who are offering salvation.

 On Broadway plays like Network, To Kill A Mocking Bird (Jeff Daniels and Aaron Sorkin again!) and, to my utter delight, a minimalist Oklahoma (which is all about DARK darkness and light) are all speaking out against tyranny from their pulpits.  It is important to note that Oklahoma fully embraces the past while taking on the present as we know it.

Women are heroes in movies.  Even RBG.

The future my friends is now.

It has begun.

Trump at this point is nothing more than he ever was: a rabies-fueled rat in a New York dumpster fighting over the last crust of pizza, which he will do anything to get.

But sadly this will all be at our expense.  

He will obstruct, lie, cover up, deny access to his grades, his taxes and the Muller Report while we sit in front of our screens feeling impotent and outraged while fantasizing the worst possible outcome for this shallow, treasonous, incompetent (who I have called The Fool on the Hillary).

Patience my friends.  


You see, as opposed to Trump, Democracy works.

The White House is nothing more than Ground Nero now.

And you know what happened to that empire.


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