I Love Lying Beneath and Above the Covers with You
I LOVE LYING BENEATH AND ABOVE THE COVERS WITH YOU Written By David Steven Simon I love lying beneath and above the covers With you As I trace your spine With the earthbound wingtip Of my finger Which informs me Who you are And how you came to be It is the glue and thread of you. There were many others before me You had your following And reputation Some dumped you Some adored you Everyone had an opinion. But for me It was love at first sight. I discovered Within minutes that you lusted to be Spread wide open Just as much as me. Which is why I went on the hunt With invisible dogs Heady with the scent of fox. I had to be alone with you In the illusive Peter Pan shadow Of a half-lit night Where the soundtrack is The plaintive duet Between Pulse and breath Which are the stand-ins For Pirate And boy. I needed you to be Lost in the ambition of my hands Where the only voice Was yours Singing the tribal warning songs That are the p...