Law is a system of rules that are created and enforce through social or covermental institutions to regulate behavior.
Law is a system that regulates and ensures that individuals or a community adhere to the will of the state.
The formation of laws themselves may be influenced by a constitution, written or tacit, and the rights encoded therein. The law shapes politics, economics, history and society politics, economics, history, and society in various ways and serves as a mediator of relations between people.
Nowhere in those definitions does it either say or imply that our country's laws were handed down in Ten commandment tablet form from high atop the mount.
Being that none of our laws were originally cast in stone, we have, more than a few times since 1776, found that because society has changed and so must certain laws.
Our laws were written by men, many who were slave owners. This was Pre-Black Panther America and I'm sure that when they wrote The Declaration of Independence, they were not including the folks who lived in shanties on their properties, picked their cotton and obediently served up their mint juleps for far less than a minimum wage.
Now we all know that second amendment states that a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Now I have read that the "militia" part was actually meant for slave owners to allow them to enter their slave quarters, armed, to ensure the peace.
Whether or not that is true, even if the definition of a militia means that in the event of war we have the right to take up arms, the current interpretation of the amendment, which has allowed the mass slaughter of men, women, and children by military grade AR-15 weapons is nowhere evident, guaranteed or even implied in any of our laws,
That is a Supreme Court interpretation, which is no different than your local preacher sermonizing about what the stories of the Bible mean.
As for religons itself, a number of Church teachings contained in official papal documents were changed in modern times.
Most notably, in 1864 Pope Pius IX issued a document called the Syllabus of Errors that listed a number of statements that were to be "condemned." Among the ideas to be condemned were religious liberty and separation of Church and State (two principles of a "heresy" called Americanism) and that "The Roman Pontiff can, and ought to, reconcile himself, and come to terms with, progress, liberalism, and modern civilization."
Good luck convincing Goober and Gomer at the gun show of all that. Those ideas will head straight for the spitoon supported by heir synchronized aerial show of tobacco juice.
Laws of any kind are simply not immutable.
There was a time when it was against the law to vote and I'm sure to this day there are plenty of men, particularly those members of the GOP who think that if a woman is raped, it was God's intention, so you should lie back and enjoy it, miss those good old days when a woman's place was in the oven.
Thirty-three amendments to the United States Constitution have been proposed by the United States Congress and sent to the states for ratification since the Constitution was put into operation on March 4, 1789.
Twenty-seven of these, having been ratified by the requisite number of states, are part of the Constitution. The first ten amendments were adopted and ratified simultaneously and are known collectively as the Bill of Rights. Six amendments adopted by Congress and sent to the states have not been ratified by the required number of states. Four of these amendments are still technically open and pending, one is closed and has failed by its own terms, and one is closed and has failed by the terms of the resolution proposing it.
Progress. Liberalism. Modern Civilization.
Trust me, those are not the words that you will see emblazoned as the motto of any Southern state flag.
Progress, liberalism and modern civilization is everything that a large part of the rural south and any fervent Trump supporter despises because it is not just antithetical to hardcore Conservative beliefs, it goes much deeper than that.
Certain things are emblematic of a way of life.
Confederate general statues, flags, and guns are perfect examples of that.
If you spend any time in the south, which I have, you realize that it is far more complex and diverse than you would imagine.
It is our national habit to marginalize and stereotype in order to create the perfectly formed enemy.
On the day of Trump's candidacy announcement, there was plenty of that. Being a frequent guest of Howard Stern who was his mentor (you can become powerful by attracting the moron masses), and knowing full well that running for President was nothing more than a frat boy goof (*the kind of frat boy whose parents buy his way into school and who inevitably graduates at the bottom of his class) he could not have picked a more appropriate background for his announcement than the lobby of Trump Tower which was no doubt built on the backs of cheap and no doubt swindled, and mostly illegal immigrants. Just like slaves. They did build the White House after all.
He could have picked any significant or meaningful site: in front of the monument of Alexander Hamilton in Central Park or at the base of Grant's tomb. But no. Even then it was too much trouble to act even remotely Presidential.
Instead, he dragged his inflatable, clueless, along for the ride escort/wife (with promises of something shiny if she behaved) down an escalator, looking like an annoyed rich couple who had come downstairs to deal with the gardeners who were butchering their lawn who must therefore be rapists, murderers and drug dealers.
That was it. That was the whole speech. Then he off he went, escalating back upstairs, pulling America's number one consumer of Jimmy Choos and undersized condoms to the Penthouse (named for the magazine, not the floor) and skipped like Madeleine to the TV to watch stories about himself with all the rapture and giggles of the next audience of Frozen.
What he didn't get is what he had just done.
He had accidentally exploded the ultimate WHITE BOMB, whose long fuse was lit the day that he tried to prove that the House Negro in the White House was not an American.
The day fateful day, when Trump opened up his McDonald's Sundae mouth and made that announcement, at that moment he became a symbol, not unlike that Confederate flag or Alfred E. Newman of Mad Magazine fame.
The South in seconds, rose again, like a Trump dose of Viagra thanks to a fake candidate, who played a fake boss who sat in a fake conference room (it was a set) on television, who boasted fake credentials and successes. Also raised out of hibernation, racists, fascists, Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, Steve Bannon and the entire country of the Soviet Union. For the Russians, their yacht had just come in. Blackmail of a white male can really pay off.
Professor Harold Over The Hill had just marched into town and we were inches away from band outfits and marching bands.
And we just didn't get him: we got his parade of unctuous progeny who didn't pretend for one second to be first family worthy. They couldn't even pretend to be charitable because their favorite charity was and remain themselves.
Which leads us back to guns.
Trump has been accused of taking $30 MILLION dollars from the NRA which is reputedly from laundered Rubles because watching Americans shoot each other, kill each other, is Putin's favorite form of entertainment.
One of the very first bills that Trump signed made it far easier for the mentally ill to purchase weapons of mass destruction.
During his fake listening session in the White House, an inveterate photographer snapped a photo of Trump's notes and they said things like "How can I help?" and "I hear you."
I could go on and on. You all eyewitness the disgusting freak show that has made us the pathetic laughing stock of the world.
We all know about his pathological lying. His on the spectrump inability to feel or exhibit any kind of compassion or empathy.
But to me, the single worst thing that he has done is empower the illiterate, self-loathing, racist morons who leap around him and brandish their weapons like they are exposing their genitals because daddy said it's okay. Even worse are the rich guys who turn away from his abhorrent behavior because they are making a killing.
But what about the real, actual killing that is happening?
Since January 1st:
7.960 reporter incidents.
2,174 deaths
3,695 injuries
The number of children, between the ages of 0-11 killed or injured: 83
The number of teens, between the ages of 12 017, killed or injured: 411
Mass Shootings: 34 (including MSD)
That is under EIGHT WEEKS.
And Wayne LaPierre has already given that nightmare post-Columbine style speech that claims that taking away guns is a socialist plot.
Parents of MSD survivors are getting death threats.
Some actually believe that the mass murder did not happen and people seen on TV were enactors.
Members of Congress have gotten shot on a baseball field.
We have given Trump WAY too much freedom. Lenin famously said that to accomplish anything you needed a willing fool.
Well Steve Bannon, wanted to destroy the infrastructure of our government and damn well almost succeeded.
But his boss is a fool. An impulsive child.
But even knowing that, even after "Fire and Fury" nothing is changing.
This is FAR FAR worse than anything that Nixon did.
And we as a force, took his presidency the fuck down.
Trump's allowing Americans to be killed is just like Nixon letting the Vietnam go on and on while knowing full well that it was a war that could not be won.
Daniel Ellsbury made sure we knew that thanks to his stealing The Pentagon Papers which told all.
Well where is our Daniel Ellsbury?
Is it Bob Mueller?
Not that easy. Mueller is craftily laying out the pieces of his attack, one indictment after another.
But when he is done it will be up to Ron Rosenstein to decide if the public is going to ever see his conclusions.
Let's not forget that the collusion with Russia has now extended to the GOP members of Congress who are aiding and abetting Trump's treason as is evidenced by that insipid Devon Nunes memo.
Trump is going to fight for his life.
He will create chaos. Fire everyone.
Because all he cares about is himself.
Not you.
He does not give a flying fuck about you. He is making billions of dollars through his presidency and laughing over caviar at More and More A Largo with his fat cat Emperor-like WHITE friends.
He has been accused by 19 women of sexual misconduct. Slept with porn stars during the time of the birth of his son.
He has been accused of sexually abusing 19 women.
So tell me:
Who is the voice for these women?
Who is the voice for our children?
Guns come with silencers.
Don't become one.
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