Today in a tweet, Trump referred to the Marine Corps as the Marine Core.
And there you have it.
Your American Idiotrump.
Can you imagine Abe Lincoln referring to American Shoulders?
Or FDR saying that Dec 7, 1941, is a day which will go down in infancy?
We are living in the era of President Donald OJ Trump who is getting the hall pass of a lifetime for the very same reason that OJ got away with murder.
The jury of OJ’s “peers’ were waiting a lifetime to make the ultimate statement on how the black man in America has been abused by the police and OJ, real name Hubris Orenthal Simpson, lucked out by being in the right court at the right time.
That was a personal in-jury case who were bound and determined not to listen to a shred of evidence. Not even DNA, which was bountiful, made a damn bit of difference.
They denied science just like the Trump and the GOP.
Johnny Cochran, who had his own issues with the LAPD, went for the jugular of the matter by declaring the LAPD a bunch of bungling fools who were also deep seeded racists.
Now every single organization from the Klan to the General Motors has a racist working for them.
All you have to do is look.
Johnny found Detective Der Fuhrman and the rest is history.
The hall Mary pass worked for this NFL legend and out he walked.
Now he did get shamed and hit with a wrongful death decision in Civil Court.
And he eventually went to prison when the judge chanted “lock him up!”
Which leads us back to Trump
Same defense.
The system is rigged and corrupt.
He pleads not guilty/no collusion.
And yet the latest jury, the GOP, your new American collusion, has already granted him an early hall pass, by shutting down the investigation months before it was over. They let one witness after another stonewall and lie to them and said that was totally cool with them.
Does anyone feel dirty and unAmerican right now?
Devon Nunces should get the same sentence as any other traitor like The Rosenbergs.
But here’s the thing.
In this era of #metoo, instead of just women being the victims, we all are.
We are being abused every single day while Trump’s other jury, his preposterous, selfish and spectacularly stupid (and desperate) base still believe he’s that guy on the cover of the book that he didn’t even write.
Their Appresident is a star, just like Ronnie Reagan, another political genius, who dined on caviar while men with AIDS died thanks largely to zero funded research.
It does not matter that the Emperor has no clothes.
It does not matter that he fucked a porn star while his wife was pregnant.
The Heaveangelicals are just fine with that.
Because Trump is an image, just like Jesus and Kim Kardashian and the ad for the next hot sneaker from Pharell. If Jesus came back today and aid he was more popular than Trump, the south would start burning bibles.
If Johnny Cochran, that other stellar American, taught us anything it’s that you can bullshit and brainwash anyone if (A) they are angry (B) needy or (C) dazzled by shows like the Golden Globes and USC football.
Coming to the aid of Trump are his Fox and Friends who serve up overflowing platefuls of GOP mandated horse shit conspiracy theories faking that it’s a full meal of breaking news straight off the soup kitchen
Having lived through the red scare of the fifties, I know how easy t is to make people so scared and paranoid that they will literally destroy anyone who they suspect as being the culprit. Thanks to that Arthur Miller/Joe McCarthy style witch hunt, people died from innuendo.
In those days Russia was the evil state and even though that is still true today, most of Trump’s base think that Putin is a pretty nifty guy.
Howard Beale of Network fame is up and running folks.
Paddy was totally right.
TV is as every bit as damaging as anything that the Soviets did to us in the 2016 election.
And we are literally paying for it.
Because whether it’s a pitch for Truvago, with that total psychopath creepy guy who always seems to be lurking in other people’s hotel rooms, or marching to the second amenddrum of the NRA it always comes down to one thing and one thing alone: money.
Fox is the new profit of the airwaves folks.
You see the GOP has a price…and they have a price for your child.
Every single vote against sensible gun control is the equivalent of them telling you how much your child’s life is worth.
They value you their donors more than they do your babies.
They didn’t even change a law after some of their own got shot on a baseball field.
That’s called taking one for the team, folks.
It’s only about money.
You know the stats: it’s the 1% who got themselves a tax cut while you can’t deduct 50% of your property taxes anymore.
And who is protesting?
Frankly, I think Trump should provide every single child in American with the same kind of24/7 bodyguard that his onthespectrump kid gets to protect him.
Or better yet,, how bout we give that bodyguard the year off and see how Trump likes it.
A thief
A dirty money launderer
An adulterer
A nightmare of a husband.
An absent father.
A pathological liar
Incapable of empathy (during his “listening” session with Parkland survivors, he held a note card that included bullet points that instructed him what to say which included the words “I hear you”).
Not one single thing is genuine about him. Not his skin color. Not his hair. Not one single word that he says.
He is an embodiment of the word fake.
In the sixties, we protested the Vietnam War and helped take a President down whose biggest offense beyond being a prick, was breaking and entering and lying about it.
Those were the big time infractions that ultimately took him down—with the help of the GOP.
Compare that to Trump.
Support our high school kids on March 24th.
Better yet, try acting more like them.
Our children are begging for their lives because millions care more about their AR-15s than they do your son or daughters.
Demand change at any cost.
It’s time to start the revolution again, by any means necessary.
There has to be blood on the streets again.
We need to wake the fuck up and start radicalizing instead of standing on the sidelines of a Military Parade which YOU will be paying for.
Instead of helping American ’s sick or impoverished, we will get Marching Madness.
He is going to reign on your parade.
Unless you stop it.
Every point valid (except maybe #metoo .. prefer to leave that one as exclusive). But nobody's out on the street. No revolution. Everyone's inside eating kale? What's your take?
ReplyDeleteI blame the very internet that we are on. It makes us passive aggressive. Plus TV is so vivid now, that our interaction with it makes us aggressively angry. I know that I spend way too much time yelling at it!