Today the New York Times published 48 questions that the Mueller team is prepared to ask Trump, which were leaked by Trump’s lawyers, who were given those questions by phone in March.  The Hollywood Rage Page was able to obtain a few more that were not published:

  1.  What’s is the best way to get stains out of Russian sheets?
  2. Would you able to go 24 hours without saying “incredible job” or “fantastic?”
  3. Why do you often repeat the same words sometimes ten times in one run-on sentence?
  4. Has Mike Pence found a cure for homosexuality and why is that so important to him?  Follow up:  Is it true that he wants to call the grounds of the White House the Rose Garden of Eden with two Adams?
  5. On the campaign trail you criticized President Obama’s one or two golf weekends and yet you have literally bankrupted the Secret Service by golfing virtually every single week since you became President.  How do you defend that?
  6. Why do you treat Fox and Friends as both your personal advisors and news outlet?  A follow up: is that your way of manipulating the news?  And one more follow up: wouldn’t that make it fake news?
  7. Why is it okay for Sarah Huckabee Sanders to lie to the press and the American people every single day, but when Michelle Wolf tells the truth, you go ballistic?  Is it because you can’t handle the truth?  A follow up: do you endlessly lie because the truth will reveal what a complete fraud you are?
  8. Years ago when you said that your investigation into President Obama’s birth certificate was uncovering some incredible things, what exactly were those incredible things?
  9. Years ago you called Forbes Magazine, pretending to be your now publicist, and convinced them that you belonged on the list of most wealthy people in America when you were not.  The question is: are you fucking kidding?
  10. How high can you make Devon Nunes and Trey Gowdy jump?  
  11. Why did Congress shut down its investigation into all your illegal and treasonous activity?  By association doesn’t that make them guilty of the very same things that you are being accused of?
  12. Why did Rex Tillerson call you a moron and General Kelly call you an idiot?  Follow up:  are you following any of this?
  13. During the campaign, you lied about the fact that you could not reveal your taxes because there was an audit.   How does it feel knowing that Mr. Mueller has them? 
  14. How do you feel that no powerful attorney will represent you because you have the reputation of not paying anyone who works for you?  Follow up: Rudy Giuliani?  Really?  
  15. Why did you send in the National Guard to protect our border when the numbers of Mexicans trying to get in is at an all time, 45-year -ow?  Follow up: is it because you are full of shit and just playing to your base by pressing for the wall that no one will ever fund?
  16. Why do you want to have a military show of farce parade?  Does it make you feel more powerful?  More like a thug quality dictator?  Follow up:  does it bother you that the millions that you are wasting in on, could fund the very programs that you are cutting?
  17. Thanks to Scott Pruitt, previously banned, highly toxic carcinogens have been reintroduced into our environment which will no doubt create all kinds of cancer.  Follow up: go fuck yourself.
  18. Ben Carson?  Really?
  19. Betsy DeVos?  Really?
  20. Rick Perry?  Really?
  21. Do you find it ironic that you, a self-professed sexual abuser, is being brought down by a porn star?
  22. How much do you miss Roy Cohn, who was singularly one of the vilest and despicable people that the planet has ever known who personally mentored you into being the next most vile and despicable people on the planet?  Have you read Frank Rich’s piece in New York Magazine about your bromance with him?
  23. Why did you put your name on the cover of The Art of the Deal when you did not write one single word of it?
  24. Why did you play golf at Mar-A-Lago while just a few miles away a Parkland teenager was being buried?
  25. Why was one of the first acts of your “presidency” signing a bill that made it easier for the mentally ill to buy weapons of mass destruction?
  26. Why did you take 30 million dollars from the NRA?  Follow up: how much is that in the rubles which were laundered?
  27. Could you not raise worse children?
  28. When you met with Parkland survivors, why did you have to have handheld notes of reminders which ended with “I hear you?”  Follow up: why are you incapable of empathy or any basic human feelings?
  29. How many fetuses have you personally had aborted?
  30. When you “pray” in the oval office, are you really sleeping and dreaming about bags of Jolly Rogers?
  31. What is Melania’s limit? Why does she never lash out or leave you?  Are you threatening to deport her parents if she tries to be her own person?
  32. Virtually everything that you have done in the world of business has been a colossal failure.  You have lived off of debt and bankruptcy at the expense of hundreds of unpaid day laborers and professionals. The  Question:  Do you find it ironic that prison jumpsuits are the same color as you?
  33. Everything about you physically is fake and part of a cover-up, as in your makeup and giant bald spot.  Now that the real character of Dr. Ronny Jackson has been put into question, should we not logically believe that your medical test results were total bullshit?
  34. The Middle East is every bit as unstable as you.  Is that why you want to end the Iran deal so it becomes as threatening and unpredictable as you?
  35. Why do you tweet like an enraged 13-year-old girl who constantly misspells words?
  36. Does anyone ever bring up the fact that years ago you were the target of the biggest class action lawsuit in New York history because you refused to rent apartments to people of color?  Follow up: you lost.
  37. Why did you steal money by pretending to have a legitimate university?  Oh. You lost that case too and had to shell out millions in restitution.
  38. Do you really think that calling Kim June Un humiliating names in public was successful diplomacy?   How does it feel that before he sits down with you, he has settled with South Korea and has already agreed to begin to strip down his nuclear system, which leaves you with zero bargaining power?  When Otto Warmer was sent home a barely alive, beaten corpse and died here, why did you do absolutely nothing?
  39. Every contemporary president before you did something of service on Martin Luther King’s birthday and you played golf at Mar-A-Lago.  Question: how stupid are you?
  40. When you and Hope Hicks wrote a preposterous, fake excuse for Don Jr on Air Force One do you not get that is obstruction of justice?
  41. Do you honestly not get that a tsunami-sized blue wave is coming for your ass?  More House members are choosing not to run for re-election to that body than at any time in the past quarter-century – including a record number of Republicans, according to a Pew Research Center analysis. As of April 11, 55 representatives (38 Republicans and 17 Democrats) have announced they're not running.
  42. Anthony Scaramucci, really?
  43. Joe Arpaio?  Really? (A federal appeals court said this week it will appoint a lawyer to argue that former Sheriff’s contempt of court conviction should remain on his record, despite your hideous, racist pardon).
  44. Why is it you attack decent, charitable NFL stars who take a knee in peaceful protest, which is their constitutional right, but when one young, unarmed black man after another is murdered on the streets of America in you say nothing? 
  45. Jim Comey testified under oath about your pressuring him to go easy on Mike Flynn.  You say he lied. Fine. How about you testify under oath? 
  46. Why do you act defensively, have public meltdowns about the investigation when all you have to do is throw open the doors of the White House to prove your innocence
  47. Why did you tell the working class people of America that you signed a tax bill that would offer them relief, when in truth all it did, was benefit the wealthy.  Oh. And fuck you for taking away write-offs.
  48. Are you ready for the next 48 questions?


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