Thinking about Trump this morning, lyrics from a Stephen Sondheim came to mind from the appropriately named show “Follies:”

“Good times and bum times, I've seen 'em all
And, my dear, I'm still here
Flush velvet sometimes
Sometimes just pretzels and beer, but I'm here
I've run the gamut, A to Z
Three cheers and dammit, C'est la vie
I got through all of last year, and I'm here
Lord knows, at least I was there, and I'm here
Look who's here, I'm still here.”

The two definitions of the word folly are (1) lack of good sense; foolishness and (2) a costly ornament building with no practical purpose.

And scene.

This came to me after reading Charlie Savage’s New York Times front page story called, “Why talking with Mueller is a Minefield.”

The basic premise begins with why the 49 questions were leaked by Trump’s lawyers and that is quite simple:  they desperately want to convince Congress and a staggeringly clueless Trump, who gets all his intel directly from Fox News, that Mueller is biased, out to get him and this is a witch hunt.

This is true. 

No. Not the witch hunt part.  

The bias.

Mueller is prejudiced in favor of the law.

We are in the endgame that is sure to be as bloody, bloody as Andrew Jackson himself, who is one of Trump’s heroes.

What is astonishing to me is that we are even having a discussion about whether or not the President or the United States should be interrogated for crimes based on what at least two indicted criminals/previous high-level White House officials have told members of the investigation.

There is some delicious irony here.   Mike Flynn famously led the “lock her up” chant at the GOP convention and Trump, who famously bragged about grabbing women inappropriately is being dragged down by a porn star scorned.

Sophocles couldn’t make this shit up.

Since our view of the world is seen entirely through rose-colored HD TVs and internet screens, we are all front row center at the hottest show in town.

The Un-Trueman Show.

The Un-Trueman Show fits snuggly right in there, with Angels in America and Mean Girls.   Nathan Lane, who is giving a breathtakingly gorgeous performance as Roy Cohn, is basically an Un-Trueman doppelgänger for Trump himself.

Trump’s mentor was, after all, Mr. Cohn, whose disgusting life was capped by a much-deserved nightmare AIDS ride straight to hell personally escorted by Ethel Rosenberg, whose electric chair execution, he was personally responsible for.   At one point of the play, Cohn, on his deathbed, vibrates violently like he’s being electrocuted.   I would gladly pay that Cohn Ed bill

And yet in the play, after he dies, he gets the Kaddish...which all the Jewish gay men in the audience recited right along with.  

The hair on my arms gave them a standing ovation.  Tony Kushner is just a fucking, fucking genius.

You would have thought that after Cohn’s demise, God would have eradicated the disease for a job well done.  Unfortunately, thousands of beautiful, innocent men had to perish too.  Go see the show and you’ll get the proper history lesson.  I’m still trembling from its aftershocks and I’ve lived through tons of earthquakes in LA.

Mean Girls:  well just listen to Trump and his ears burning Bush on the Accsex Hollywood tapes.  Even Tina Fey would say, yeah, too mean.  But there is Trump, pretty in pink or oversized in orange,  acting like the Queen-bee-atch that he is.

Art has a way of extracting the poison that is emitted into the atmosphere by astonishingly selfish, inherently cruel men, like Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Devon Nunes and Trey Gowdy, who are already booked on the Titanic for a permanent vacation at Roy Cohn’s house, and turning it into a kind of perverse beauty that can touch our souls and help us find the beauty in ourselves that will ultimately heal the world.  That was such a good sentence, that you should go back and read it again.  I ’ll wait.  I’ve got nothing to do.  Done?  Good.

Which brings us to Michelle Wolfe would is being condemned by the followers of a President who publicity ridiculed a severely handicapped man,  has debased women, insulted minorities and stood up for Neo-Nazis.

I’m sorry, whose resume is more offensive?   

That would question #50.

Suddenly Sarah Huckabee Hound, who is our nation’s lipstick and pearls on a pig bullshit artist, who outright spreads deception and like alms to the poor every single day, is suddenly a dainty victim of abuse because the bad lady made harsh jokes about her?

Look, Michelle would have gotten away with it, had she perhaps been a prettier, less caustic type of person.  It would have somehow been all wrapped up in kind of innocence and charm.  But Michelle is the AR-15 of one-liners and if anyone can appreciate how fast that actual weapon can assassinate toddlers and high school children, it’s the members of GOPNRAMERICA.

You see, “Christians” who fight a woman’s right to have a choice who then turn away when living children are slaughtered like the innocent animals that Eric and Don Jr shoot at point blank range for sport on the Serengeti, are the real criminals here.

So here is a warning:

Presidents and press secretaries who act the way that they do, disgracing their sainted positions and our country, are about to find out that their day or RoyCohning is a-comin.’

When I read articles that suggest that it may be best for Trump not to submit to an interview because of his pathological tendency to lie, I have to scratch my patriotic head and wonder how far up the ass 30% of America’s heads are.

Justice is not blind, they are.  Evidently, two things can make you blind. 
Gonorrhea and Trump.  

Do not weep for them.  They did not elect Trump because they were ignored.  They voted for him for the very same reason that Confederate flags still fly and pictures of lynchings are still sold at certain flea markets down south.

They voted for him to protect the white part of our flag, leaving the red and blue parts to fight it out.

In the end of the Truman Show (which remains, like Groundhogs Day, one of my tippy top movies of all time) Truman, whose life, like Trump was nothing more than a reality show obsession, is finally lead to salvation by the need to know the truth.

His life had been a total lie.   Nothing was real.  

The only love that he experienced was with the one woman who wanted to tell him the truth of his existence.

Now that is Robert Mueller’s job.


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