I laughed out loud when I read Trump’s tweet “I hereby demand and will do so officially tomorrows that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes.”

First of all, what the hell kind of language is that?  That’s the way Joffery talked in Game of Thrones and I talked when I was five and pretended that I was King of Hollis.

Let this sink if for awhile:  Trump spent his time exclusively tweet/focusing on himself instead of writing about the real victims: the ones who were gunned down in Santa Fe, Texas.  

That is how fast he stopped giving a shit.  No.  Let me amend that.  He never gave a shit.   

He has no capacity for empathy because both he and his son are on the spectrum.  Anyone who doubts that should talk to people in the New York school system who have dealt with the boy.  I am not attacking the kid.  He’s an innocent.  

Just like everyone who was killed in Las Vegas and in that Texas church.  

 I’m just offering you a proof positive DNA trail.   It all begins with your sitting President.

This is the guy, who, after all, during the White House meeting with Parkland survivors held in his hands an ironically titled bullet point list whose final instruction was to remember to say, “I hear you.”

This is a guy who just a week ago, took the stage at the NRA and mocked anyone who wasn’t slavishly loyal to their cause which is to make as much money as possible.

Money that is now marinating in the blood of children.

And evidently most of America is not okay with that, but as long at the GOP is in charge, this is what you get.

Members of your congress, whose salary you pay, are already conspiring to try to derail the DOJ investigation by doing what Trump does: attacking the attacker.

This is all Johnny Cochran 101.  

Trump’s base is the OJ jury.  Evidence means nothing.  Science means nothing.  Facts mean nothing.

OJ got the ultimate hall pass and now the other man of color, Trump, for some God forsaken reason is getting his too.

Trump has lead a life of staggering corruption where he has ruined people’s lives while he plays his own rigged system and makes a killing off of debt.  

What’s amazing is that whatever he accuses anyone of having done is precisely what he has been doing.  He has lied some 2500 documented times and yet accuses the legitimate news media as being fake news.

He told us that the election was rigged.  He just didn’t tell us that it was him and Russia who were doing the rigging.

The most ironic part of Trump is what a terrible, terrible, unskilled liar he is and even worse how little he knows about a cover-up.

His hair? The worst cover-up in the history of heads.

His Cheese Doodle colored skin?  Does anyone think that’s a natural glow?

His affairs?  Does anyone, including his wife, transgender Andy Kaufman, believe that he has ever been faithful?

Participating in prayer sessions?  I’m guessing in the moment he’s either replaying whatever he was watching most recently on Porn Hub or...or...No.  Sorry. I just ran out of options.

All that pandering to the evangelicals is right out of the GOP playbook.   Ted Cruz is a true Christian?   Ben Carson?  Betsy DeVos?  Rick Perry?  I’m more Christian than those pandering bullshit artists will ever be and I’m a lifelong Jew.

Trump at this point of the game is a rat on a sinking ship who will throw anyone overboard in order to stay alive.

Do you actually think that it’s a coincidence that just as the news is breaking that Don, Jr took yet another spectacularly illegal pre-election meeting with other countries at Trump Tower,  the focus for Trump is accusing the DOJ of spying on at the instructions of the Obama administration?

This is all the sinking ship rat’s got.  Accuse. Blame. Deflect. Repeat.

Trump and his entire family of dumpster rodents are all Cohnheads.   Let’s call him Roi Cohn because  "roi" in French means “King.”

There is no one who has ever lived in America who was more disgusting and unethical as Roy Cohn.  And guess who was Trump’s mentor?

Having just sat through Angels in America, I got quite the Roy Cohn refresher course.  

What was most disturbing was that I could not tell the difference between Nathan Lane and Trump.

And then there was the character of Joe, the repressed homosexual who is married to a tormented soul.  He is finally liberated when he finally drops his pretense and shares his pence with another man.  No. That’s not right.  I meant penis.  It is so easy to make that mistake.

How Roman Emperor poetic is it that the invisible walls are starting to trap President Rat Roi Cohn?

The waters are getting higher and higher.  

The surveillance of his campaign absolutely happened. Why?  Well, let’s begin with the fact that the star of The Russian Escapades, Carter Page, was being surveilled years before Trump—-who he then had no trouble hiring as a foreign-policy advisor.  Let that sink in.

And then, of course, there is the Russian version of Crosby Stills and Nash:  Flynn, Manafort, and Papadopoulos who are now singing a hell of a lot louder than anyone ever did at Woodstock.

Trump’s only hope is to keep feeding his base who subsist on whatever they are fed via the tit of Presidential girlfriend/BFF  Sean Hannity.

Trump has no trouble dragging us all down with him.   He’ll destroy guys like Andy McCabe and now an FBI informant whose life, should he be exposed, be in jeopardy.

Valerie Plane is lightweight compared to this.

And all your patriotic congress is doing, is helping Trump derail the DOJ/Muller investigation as much as they can.

It was reported today that more U.S. civilians were killed this year by gunfire than in our military.

Those who counter that statistic will claim that is because we are not engaged in a war.  You are reading the news about how our troops are doing in the middle east, right?

We who are smart, educated. and ethical just can’t take it anymore.   The second that an image of Sarah Huckabee or Trump or Giuliani suddenly appears, I find myself red-faced screaming at the TV or just shutting it off.

All Trump is doing is trying to keep the Boys in the Brand alive so that he can accomplish what he had originally set out to do when he was just goof pretending to be a Presidential candidate.

Like his big hero Rupert Murdoch, Trump wants Trump TV.  His name.  His brand.  24/7/11.

Decades ago Congress went after Jimmy Carter for “suspicious” financial dealings at this peanut farm.

But suddenly making a $500 million deal with the Chinese, which includes the building of a new Trump property is perfectly fine.

Years ago I remember watching “Saturday Night Fever” and wishing that I was as simple and dumb as John Travolta’s character.

His world was small.  His ambitions were small.   His evolutionarily primitive needs were easily met by the Bee Gees.

And in the end, he got both the girl and the happy ending.

Maybe thinking and reading and all that other book learnin’ stuff is a not getting me anywhere but to the hospital for ulcers.

The film was based on an article by Nik Cohen, which was originally published in New York magazine, called “The Tribal Rites of the Saturday Night.”  I think it was the very first article that of its kind that was made into a movie.

Recently it was revealed that it was all bullshit.  Cohen made the whole thing up.

In other words, it was based entirely on fake news.

And that will not matter.

Because, like Trump, it’s about nothing but Staying Alive.


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