It was announced late this week that President and Mrs. Obama will be producing original programs for Netflix.   

They said that the shows will be inspirational and not political in nature.

Here is a list of the some of the shows that he has planned.

ROYAL PAIN:  An inspirational show about Bishop Michael Curry trying to teach members of the Royal family and friends how to react to “Stand By Me” without looking horrified.

EIGHT YEARS A SLAVE:  An inspirational story about how Congress dealt with the two terms of the Obama administration. Originally titled Boy Meets World.

THE EXPENDABLES:   An inspirational show starring Oliver Stone and Wayne LaPierre of the NRA as they follow a blood trail, laughing all the way to the bank during the latest mass school shooting.

THE AMERICANS:  The Trumps star as a Russian family who pretend to be Americans.  Next season: Dancing with the Czars!

FAULTY TOWER:  Meetings with Russians! Saudi Arabia! With Saudi Arabia! The United Arab Emirates! Deadly fires without smoke alarms!  It’s wacky times at the Trump Tower.

THE COHNHEADS:  Michael and Roy are out of this world when it comes to corruption and how they helped Trump become Trump.

THE BLACK PANTHER:  President Obama stars as the King of Wakanda for the real D.C. comics.

DOING REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER:  An inspirational show shot at Sing Sing, where Paul Manafort, Carter Page and a host of past White House employees doing real-time reflect about their past while making D.C. license plates.

A FUHRER GOOD MEN:  Those lovable Nazis are back and they’re out to get the Goldbergs!

CATASTROPHY WIFE:  It’s all Melania all the time.

THE GOLDEN SHOWER GIRLS:  An inspirational show about the Christopher Steele dossier.

THE HANDMADE TALES:  A behind the scenes look at Fox News.

MADEA’S D.C.: An inspirational reality show where we find Madea bitch slapping the faces of every member of the Republican Congress.

BARRY:   Barack’s early years in Hawaii where he was secretly an assassin.

YOU’RE THE WORST:  A half hour of decorated war hero Bob Mueller shaking his head in disgust.

MOVIE NIGHT: Inspirational films like Romancing the Stone,  starring Sam Nunberg, Julian Assange and Donald Trump as they compete for the hand of Roger Stone.

QUEER EYE:  Mike Pence, looking fabulous,  tries to convert the vision of homosexual men.

NOT SO FULL HOUSE:   An inspirational look at everyone who left the White House during the Trump years.

SILICONE VALLEY:  An inspirational show about women who Trump has paid off.

CRIMINAL MINDS:  An inspirational science show about the brain of Rudy Giuliani.

NOVA:   An inspirational show about the great delis of D. C. Hosted by Jared Kushner.  Originally titled “Art of the Deli.”
SHARK TANK:  An inspirational reality show hosted by Kellyanne Conway and Paul Ryan where government entitlement programs such as Medicare and Social Security are fed to live sharks who make a killing.

COYOTE UGLY:  An inspirational tale about the rise of Sarah Huckabee Sanders as she works her way through Trump University, majoring in deception and pathological lying.

MY CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND:  Take a number.  Thousands of women gather to tell stories of Trump which will grab you from the first moment.

LAUGH-IN:  An inspirational show live from the Clinton’s living room in Chappaqua where Hilary, Bill, and Chelsea watch Rachel Maddow and laugh their asses off.

DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS:  An inspirational show based on the lives of Ted Cruz, Trey Gowdy and Deven Nunes, narrated by Martin Shkreli.  Just picked up for seven to ten years.

IVANKA ON QVC:   An inspirational show set in the year 2019 where Ivanka gets to sell whatever the IRS has allowed her to keep. 

ROSENSTEIN AND GUILTERNSTERN:  the two are summoned to distract the prince from his apparent madness.

THE THREE STOOGES:  Don Jr, Eric and Baron are out on the high-end Serengeti getting hit with cream pies as they slaughter innocent animals and sever their tails. 

MIAMI VICE PRESIDENT:  A inspirational show featuring Joe Biden in Florida, playing shuffleboard and canasta with the locals as he waits for the call.
HOUSE OF CADS:   This is an inspirational show about Trump’s post-presidency  where we find him living with wacky roommates Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey building houses for abused women with Jimmy Carter.

MASTURBATES MOTEL:  An inspirational talk show featuring host Stormy Daniels, shot on location from a vibrating bed at a local D.C. Ramada,  At the end of each show, Ms. Daniels will take a knee.

THE BEVERLY HILLBULLIES:  An inspirational sitcom about the Post President Trump family of 2018 shot on location in their swank new Appalachian shack.

Coming Soon!  Game shows!  LACK OF CONCENTRATION with the entire Trump family,  INFOMERCIALS!  THE HEIR CLUB FOR MEN:  featuring bald presidents who inherited their wealth,  THE VETERAN’S DAY MILITARY PARADE (aka MARCHING MADNESS) Learn the hottest new dance craze the goose step!  Learn the words to the National Anthem right alongside the president!  Cheer the loan floats! 


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