Rudy Giuliani, having not been informed that Trump University, which was forced to settle a huge, multi-million dollar lawsuit for fraud, had been shuttered, showed up at the main campus, the Trump Tower lobby, to deliver this year’s commencement address. In attendance were a janitor named Jesus and Bobby, the lobby guard. Here is a transcript: “President Trump esteemed members of the faculty, class of 2018, it is my great honor to be the first to congratulate you on this very special day which also happens to be coincidently, the first day of Paul Manafort’s trial. (At this point a sandwich delivery guy enters the lobby and after a moment of confusion, hands Mr. Giuliani a grease-stained brown bag with his order of an egg sandwich and a diet Fresca, which Mr. Giuliani at first denies having ordered, then remembers and then blames the eggs for not being cooperative). As you know, before I worked for our great, great President, I was a ...