In order to achieve the will of God, the Federalist Society members have made a PAC with the devil: your current sitting president.

The fact that Trump has just hired Bill Shine to be his next deputy chief of staff of communications pretty much sums it all up.

Shine was literally Roger Ailes’s pimp at Fox.  This is not a pejorative statement.  It is fact.  Shine’s sexual infused scandals at Fox resulted in his public disgrace and resignation.

Federalist Society members have chosen never to criticize Trump.  They give Trump an ongoing pass on his breaches of long-cherished legal norms and traditions in exchange for the gift of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch. Federalist Society executive vice president Leonard Leo said: "What President Trump has done with judicial selection and appointments is probably at the very center of his legacy, and may well be his greatest accomplishments thus far."

In May 2018, the Federalist Society hosted a phone call entitled "examining the legality of the Mueller Investigation", where one of the featured speakers has argued that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russian interference in the 2016 election is unconstitutional.

That is an opinion that is shared by Brett Kavanaugh, who famously worked with Ken Starr during the Clinton impeachment investigations.

He has since amended his opinion, stating that a sitting president should not be subjected to any kind of investigation during his term in office and that Congress should create a law to protect him.  

The fact that Trump is under criminal investigation, that there have already been convictions and indictments going all the way up to the very top of the food chain of the Trump administration more than suggests Trump’s probably complicity.

And yet, there was Kavanaugh, in the White House, shaking hands with Boss Trump.  

To me, Kavanaugh is nothing more than a Knight of White Satan, a carefully groomed ideologue/stooge who has been complicit in his campaign towards infinite power. 

 This is all about by any means necessary.  Ethics and values and morality and law be damned.

This kind of duplicity used to be relegated to the dank, shadowy world of Washington, but today, it is boldly right tin your face because there is absolutely nothing that you can do to stop it.

Just like Mike Pence is a public man of God and I would bet the farm, a frequent visitor at some all-male S&M club (he contributes his time and focus to a homosexual conversion organization: you figure out why. 

Kavanaugh is exactly what he appears to be.

Sure, last night posing with his two daughters and wife, he looked like the picture of American perfection. 

But for me, the minute that he pressed the flesh with Trump is when the real picture emerged.

According to Politico, Chief Justice Kennedy’s seat was destined to go to Kavanaugh, thanks in part to the glowing review of Kennedy, whose son, Justin, knows Donald Trump Jr. through New York real estate circles, and whose other adult child has connections to Trump World via the president’s 2016 Silicon Valley adviser Peter Thiel, most recently when the Kennedy firm Disruptive Technology Advisers worked with Thiel’s Palantir Technologies. Both Kennedy sons have been guests at the White House, and Trump had nice things to say about Justin in comments to Kennedy caught on a hot mic last year.

But let’s cut right to the chase: we all know what the real deal is here.

Trump sat down with Kennedy, got him to resign early, and then went right after Kavanaugh as an insurance against his inevitable conviction for his crimes against this country.  Next step: a private meeting with Boss Putin.

Trump does not give a damn about conservative politics.  To even consider that is laughable.

He is a vile pig of a man, trained at the shrine of Roy Cohn, who was the single second worst human being that this planet has ever produced, with Hitler being a close seond.  Cohn was a self-loathing closeted homosexual who lived to humiliate and destroy other people’s lives. 

And he was Trump’s mentor.

To me, Trump is no different than a swaggering thug who apes the style of both Mussolini and/or your average early era arrogant rap artist.

It is not about power earned, it is about power abused.  It is about gloating about how much you can get away with it.

There are two scenarios at work here.

The Federalist Society has been working doggedly for this moment for decades.  The day that the Supreme Court allowed the Super Pacs, was the beginning of the end for progressive thinking.

Fox News has been the drum beating cheerleader for the movement, freely distributing the Novichok infusedKool-Aidd cups (with Laura Ingraham and Jeannine Piero’s lipstick stains on them) to the angry, uneducated have not, disenfranchised of America who at this point, having suffered the indignity of having to deal with an uppity black president, to do whatever it takes to get what it wants.

This is a parcel of America that places all of their faith in faith, alcohol, lottery tickets and Publisher Clearinghouse sweepstakes as a magical means to an end/  So what better leader for them than someone who infuriates the liberals and makes them squirm?  According to their thinking, Trump can do and say whatever he wants, steal from the tills, abuse women, collude with the Russians, because that is what the left deserves for giving them Obama.  To deny science, for example, is to spit in the eye of formal education which to them, represents institutions that are directly opposed to their religious convictions.

Watching Trump gloat last night was like watching O.J. at his after murder trial party.  He is the beneficiary of a kind of Mafia style politics where he is literally Don Trump and his monarchy see, monarchy do children, Fredo, Sonny and Connie will do whatever it takes to protect the family’s interests as Don Trump continues to hire one consigliere after another, who do his bidding in exchange for acting like Scott Pruitt did, during his reign as Idiot King of the EPA. 

Putin, who has long felt imputin in the world, literally owns Trump because he owns and controls Deutsche Banks which is the only bank in the world which would loan the bankrupter the kind of cash flow that he needed to live to bankrupt another day.  Trump’s entire premise of success is based on spectacular failure.  Growing up knowing that he possessed none of the natural talent and ability that people like the Clintons or George Steinbrenner, had, the only way he could achieve great power was first to have the best looking whores and coke in the room and then plunder and pillage to his heart’s delight, for as long as his thug lawyers would keep him afloat.  Convicted Russian felons have long been tenants at Trump Tower.  Should Trump ever displease Putin, Putin would use the bank to destroy him.

It’s that simple, and that horrible.

We all grew up with a rosy, romantic view of America.  My generation idolized American heroes from the  Founding Fathers to baseball stars.

But that era is over my fellow Americans.

Now a scandal like the one that Jim Jordan of Ohio is just risky business as usual.  Sure, a guy like that may have to fall.  But like Devon Nunes or Trey Gowdy, that’s nothing more than another foot solider being shot down.  That is an acceptable loss.  

We now live in an era where the White House has the same high visibility as White Natonalists.  Everyday someone of color gets brutally attacked.  There are endless Youtube videos of white trash screaming at people of color to get out of their country.

Brett Kavanaugh is all about allowing his God and his principles to speak through the most powerful court in the America.  He is a political animal who worked for George W. Bush.  This is about personal agenda for people who allow their own to attack the survivors of Sandy Hook and Parkland.

While the whole #metoo movement is the ironic by-product of Trump’s own delight in his ability to get away with all the sexual harassment that he wants, the other movement is the one that is really changing America.

It’s the #ME movement.

It’s the one that is driven by ideologues and filthy rich men, like the Koch Brother or Vladimir Putin (Trump calls everyone by their first name but HIM) and the masses of Hillbilly elegies who would rather coat our (and their) lungs with black coal than see new industries like Wind power take over—even though it would employ them.

Sadly the #Me movement sadly includes you and me too.

I don’t know about you, but the minute that Orange Julius Caesars smug face appears on my TV screen, (and Sarah Pearls Before Swine Huckabee’s too) I become a feral beast, shouting obscenities like a racist on the downtown bus.

Until I get to the sanity of Rachel Maddow, I have to unplug myself from that sewer world and become passive aggressive right here on the internet, where I get to click the Amazon buy-now button to my heart’s delight.  Or I can date until I get Tindernitus in my finger or lose myself in the Netflix grid, which is like trying to figure out the bus schedule of a foreign country.  I often fear that after watching a show I will somehow wind up in Croatia.

We can only take so much, but listen up America: the fight of our lives is just getting started.

Now is the time for real revolution from those who revolt us.

Now is the time to find the heroes that we need more than ever.  Cory Booker often works for me.   Elizabeth Warren can be a professorial inspiration.

Who inspires me has nothing to do with you.

You must, must, MUST find your Angels in America.  Now.

You must metaphorically throw your laptops out the window and start screaming, I’M MAD AS HELL AND I’M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE.

Now is the time to literally Network.

To mobilize.

We started this country to sever our ties from despots with absolute power.

To not fight them today is to disgrace the memory of all our founding fathers and to every single soldier, the bloodied millions of them, who fought and died in the name of democracy.

You have your choice, America.

You can be the O.J. jury who ignored facts, evidence and science and gave a pass to a murderer.

Or you can do the right thing.

You can be an American.



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