Following the announcement that Trump has invited Vladimir Putin has been invited for a White House sleepover in the Fall, The Hollywood Rage Page was able to secure a list of future invitees
Josef Stalin
Pol Pot
Idi Amin
Josef Mengle
Devon Nunes
Trey Gowdy
Lizzie Bordon
Lord Voldemort
Joe Arpaio
Kevin Spacey
Fidel Castro
Heinrich Himmler
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
Harvey Weinstein
Mitch McConnell
Eric Trump
Ivanka Trump
Don Trump, Jr.
Maria Butina (*if available)
Roseanne Barr
Saddam Hussein
Bill Cosby
Charles Manson and family
Rudolf Hess
Ann Coulter
Sarah Huckabee
Scott Pruit
Jack The Ripper
Ted Bundy
The Zodiac Killer
Jeffery Dahmer (*has dietary restrictions)
Vlad The Impaler
Joseph Goebbels
Timothy McVeigh
Sean Hannity
Bill O'Reilly
Ivan The Terrible
Steven Mnuchin
Dutch Schultz
Paul Ryan
jihadi John
John Wayne Gacy
Martin Shkreli
Lee Harvey Oswald
Laura Ingraham
The Koch Brothers
Vlad the Impaler
Betsy DeVos
Andrea Yates
Wayne LaPierre
Kanye West
Matt Lauer
Donald Sterling
Bernie Madoff (*Pardon to come)
O.J. Simpson (*another man of color who is getting away with murder)
Phil Spector (*future nominee to head the NRA)
Papa John
Ted Cruz
Chris Christie
Dick Cheney
Newt Gingrich
Sarah Palin
Billy Wayne Ruddick, Jr. (*star of new HBO series Who is America?)
Michelle Bachmann
Justin Beiber
Chris Brown
Katherine Heigl
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