Sessions lied repeatedly UNDER OATH.
Steve Bannon lied repeatedly UNDER OATH.
Jared Kushner lied repeatedly UNDER OATH.
Don Jr lied repeatedly UNDER OATH.
None of them were cited for contempt.
Consider this: As of 2018, Strzok has a career of 22 years at the FBI. He notably was the lead agent in FBI's "Operation Ghost Stories" against Andrey Bezrukov and Yelena Vavilova, a Russian spy couple who were part of the Illegals Program, a network of Russian sleeper agents who were arrested in 2010.
The imputincy of the GOP continues.
A group of wined and dined GOP senators just returned from the USSR and said that perhaps our sanctions were too severe.
Wake up America.
Trump has never been in the construction business any more than his compatriots in the Mob have.
He has been in the destruction and debt business. 
When no bank in America would give him a loan, that is when Deutsche Bank, which has laundered billions of dollars for the USSR, gave him 300 million dollars.
The job in return: dismantle the infrastructure of the United States department by department, create total chaos so Putin can slowly regain his superpower footing in the world.
The retirement of Chief Justice Kennedy was a total scam. There was no reason for him to retire before November. Kennedy's son works at Deutsche Bank. Kavenaugh's appointment is a get out of jail card for Trump pure and simple, while he gives the base and the Federalist Society their anti -Roe v Wade guy.
Trump is not human.
He is an animal who was trained first by Roy Cohn, who Tony Kushner is happy to remind us is the single worst American who ever lived, and then by the murderous thugs of the USSR.
Trump Towers has long sold luxury condos to convicted Russian felons.
The only hero we have left in America is the war decorated Bob Mueller---a Republican, who Rudy Giuliani has been given marching orders to destroy. Giuliani is Johnny Cochran, creating bullshit conspiracy theories to sway the prejudiced jury so that yet another man of color can get away with murder.
Men from the top tier of the Trump administration have been indicted (Manafort, Flynn) and Michael Flynn is going to flip now. Why? Because he knows everything and has to save himself. He's always been a punk who talked big and now his true self, has been exposed publicly.
Wake up America.
It is time to take to the streets and start the revolution again.
The only way we are getting out of this is by civil unrest.
Trump is poisoning our allies, poisoning the planet and poisoning the Supreme Court.
I am a true patriot. Patriotism on the right is nothing more than the #me movement as in my beliefs. My guns. My needs.
Spewing racist hate is not a form of freedom of speech. It's a hate crime.
Trump's defense is to blame everyone else for the same crime.
Trump's defense is to humiliate woman like college professor/Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Trump's based despised Obama because he was black, educated and had a Muslime name.
Never forget who started the birther movement.
Trump was publicly lampooned and humiliated at a D.C. dinner years back when Obama did a comedy routine about him and bristled in the room.
Trump was also rejected by the Clintons years ago when they just couldn't take his clingy, neediness anymore.
We are living in a Paddy Chayevsky nightmare.
Let me remind you that Trump's other mentor was Howard Stern, whose show Trump frequently appeared.
Howard became a God when he accidentally tapped exclusively into the lowest common denominator of his audience: the morons.
Trump never ever wanted to be President. He wants to be the King of all Media too.
The plan was to slither down the escalator with his pull toy wife and Howard-speak against Mexicans just to whip up a few million like minded idiots. The goal: to become a mogul like Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes by taking his now expanded brand and turning it into the Trump network.
But Trump instead became Lonesome Rhodes of "The Face in the Crowd." People like what they heard. The miracle only crowd, who covets violence and discrimination, suddenly had someone who could destroy Washington's elite. The base has the exact same personality as Putin. They are all thugs who want it all without earning any of it.
And since Trump endorses him, so do they.
Worse: so do the GOP.
It all comes down to money and power.
The Confederate flag is slowly making a comeback because the roots of our hate are firmly planted in the hallowed grounds of the Civil War which has never ended.
We are not a United States.
We have not been a United States since 1865.
We are an experiment that succeeds as often as it fails.
But the deep-seeded dreams that drive our science are worth preserving because we are forever searching for the cure to what ails us.
Democracy with its many faults and injustices is still the best form of government in the modern world.
But let us not forget what happened to the Ancient Greeks and Ancient Romans.
I don't fear Muslims. I fear Extremist White Christian men who shoot children in school hallways while their leaders place Medicare and Social Security and our national health plan in its crosshairs.
Extremist White Christian men of 2018 are a gang that is every bit as deadly as the Crips or the Bloods.
Their faith is a twisted perversion of what Jesus taught. I am a Jew and I am far more Christian than any of them.
Extremist White Christian Men have bypassed Jesus entirely and have taken on the role of being God themselves.
If God won't give them the winning lottery ticket, then they are going to take their matters into their own holy hands.
They feel the power of God and yet the voice that they hear is either theirs or Trump's who is simultaneously imitating and mocking them at the same time.
HIs rallies are public acts of masturbation, where hats are sold, profits are made and a severely damaged ego is stroked and petted like the fur of a Siamese cat.
Washington has always had its share of thugs and criminals. But there are exceptions. The shadow of Jefferson Smith still looms large.
I hope that John McCain lives long enough to vote against Kavenaugh.
Sadly it took cancer to make him a genuine maverick.
The Emperor has no clothes and if he did they would all be made in China.
Trump is a far worse form of cancer than the kind that Senator McCain has to cope with.
TV news for me has become a daily MRI, which shows how fast it is metastasizing. I often go to sleep without hope.
But just like those hospital commercials that we get inundated with do, we have to remember that there is always another way to beat an illness that many say is inoperable.
The diagnosis is to not watch and wait.
The diagnosis is revolution.
The diagnosis is to do honor to our forebearers by not allowing the very same kind of madness and tyranny that we once upon a time ago defied, destroy us.
The diagnosis is revolution.
But first, we need to organize our own lives.
We have to spend less time shopping on Amazon and scrolling through the grid of Netflix because the internet, including and especially Facebook, has created the real opioid addiction of the 21st century whose side effect is apathy, passivity, and narcissism.
Facebook's lust for profits and most of all rubles, helped push Trump over the top. And a big shout of to Cambridge Analytica as well. They are the ones who came up with "Make America Great Again."
Thie internet is a manipulating form of mass hypnosis that, just like TV did in the fifties, inundates us with mostly mindless entertainment while we receive the subliminal message to seek, mutilate and destroy.
And no one knows that better than Trump, who doesn't just lie, he embodies the cartoon image of himself that he thinks looks as good as his Cinnabon swirling hair and clown slathered makeup.
It takes a giant Trump baby helium-filled balloon (which is no different than the real thing) to hurt his big baby feelings.
The trouble is, when baby is put in the corner, there is dirty dancing fire and fury hell to pay.
The irony of the #metoo movement is that since we cannot bring down Trump for sexual harassment, we can take down all the surrogates who act exactly and yet the right of women to control their own bodies in one step closer to being in the hands of men. White Christian Men.
I laugh every time I think that Mike Pence rallies behind abortion because I would bet the farm that he has no idea what do to with a woman's body.
The disease du jour is the #me movement.
It's not about the U.S. anymore.
It's all about US now.
It's that selfish, that primitive and that, well.....base.
We are not a United States.
We are in a state of wanting to be united.
And the only way we can heal this nation is by voting (although once again the USSR will have its way with us. Why do you think Trump will be ALONE with Putin?)
But votes alone will not do it.
We have to mobilize.
We have to cut out the cancer agressively.
We have to destroy the GOP whose members like Trey Gowdy and Devon Nunes are publicly urinating on the soul of this country.
Worst of all?
We are letting them.


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