I was just thinking that all Trump rallies are pure hate rallies which reverberate with blame, lies, personal attacks, and self-entitlement.  So why don't we who know better, who are educated, empathetic, people of faith who do not perversely twist their religions into reasons to advocate discrimination, who embrace things like the freedom of the press, stage state by state love rallies that show how much we love our diversity, our democracy and most importantly our Constitution?  I personally am tired of being dragged down to the level of Trump, the treasonous members of the GOP and worst of all his ignorant, base who are delighted that they are making liberals uncomfortable.  Behaviorally, we are living in a country that is being run by vicious, tantrum-throwing toddlers who are all agents of the USSR whose direct marching orders have been: create chaos while you destroy the infrastructure of the United States from the inside.

Every single member of the cabinet from Betsy DeVos to Scott Pruitt have done nothing but damage.  Do you really not get it?

There is no mystery here.  We who live in New York have eye-witnessed Trump's Page Six-worthy buffoonery for decades.   We have long known that he is not so PC Barnum without Barnum's talent for anything but grabbing the spotlight like the Roy Cohn sanctioned and personally trained trust fund baby idiot who, along with his buzzard quality children, have dined off the carcasses of unpaid day laborers for years. 

We have long known that he fills his Condos with convicted Russian thugs.  We have long known that no bank in America would give him a loan, which is why he turned to the USSR as the ultimate patsy.  They control Deutsche Bank, which they use for money laundering.  

Trump is in WAY over his head in debt to them.  Plus the Steele dossier, which gave birth to the Mueller Investigation is all true.

The base is now carrying signs that say "Thank You Russia," because they have been told that thanks to Russia, Hilary Clinton was destroyed.

We liberals, to my taste, have become a fat and lazy bunch.  We indulge like Imperial Ancient Romans at a feast, binging on TV shows and Amazon deals, while we scream at the TV or throttle/mute it, every time the image of Trump or Charles Laughton doppelgänger, Sarah Huckabee appears.

We are complacent, civil and polite, which is why we loved Obama so much.

Trump 2020 banners have already been printed in China.

You have to personally decide what you are going to do about it.

I know that I am no longer willing to walk around so angry and full of hate.

I will never become one of them.


And yet here we all are acting just like them.

We have to find creative ways to "Stand Your Ground."

The primary difference between them and us is that we cherish the idea of America.  We were raised on heroes and legendary stories.  When we were young we dreamed with our eyes open.  The future was something that seemed as reachable as a school crush.  We had to teach ourselves to build up our confidence in order to earn our tomorrow.

In this age of Apple Events, the future has become a perk; a gift that is hand-delivered every few months.

Think different indeed. What happened to dream different?

I am a huge Apple guy, but I know the difference between earning my way towards what I deserve, in my case script by script, as opposed to expecting it to be hand delivered to me like a just ordered pizza.

What is happening is what we allow.  We are all culpable and responsible.

As long as we let Trump insult the press---whose many gallant members have literally risked or even lost their lives in the pursuit of the truth---we dishonor the legacy of everyone from Walter Cronkite to Edward R. Murrow.

As long as we allow him to buy his way out of sexual harassment, as long as we allow him to disgrace the holy covenant of marriage, we insult every single woman whom we have ever loved, from our mothers, grandmothers to any woman whose hand was an honor and a privilege to hold.

As long as we allow Trump to defy the law, we turn our backs on the founding fathers of our country and every single member of the armed services, who shed blood or lost their lives in order to protect what Trump is deliberately ripping apart.

We who are parents, have to defend the sovereignty of our country the same way that we defend and protect our own children.  You would never, ever allow anyone to treat your children the way this man is treating America.

But it does not begin with hate.  It does not begin with acts of revenge.  That is nothing but hostility dispersed back into an atmosphere that is already toxic and full of anger, manipulation, and propaganda.

We have to stop spending so much time right here on this passive-aggressive web, while this brutally crippled world of ours is being obliterated by the minute in order to make a few staggeringly rich men richer.

We have lost our forward mobility and allowed ourselves to be dragged back in time, back to where whites openly despise people of color, where both men and women are potentially no longer in charge of their own bodies, especially if Affordable Health Care, Social Security and Medicare which are all under attack, are lost.  We now live in a country where your fellow Americans, who have the same rights as you, the LGBT community is being treated like the enemy of God, who are being told that their version of love is both unpatriotic and immoral by people who support a President who is just that 24 hours a day.

We now live in a country, where a sitting President is, by the hour, violating the Emoluments clause (“No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”).

We now live in a country which has no idea what freedom of speech means.
Freedom of expression is recognized as a human right under article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and recognized in international human rights law in the International Covenant of Civil and Political (ICCPR). Article 19 of the UDHR states that "everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference" and "everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice".

It does not mean screaming at someone of color on a public bus or on a check out line at WalMart to get out your country.

We live in a country where a President openly insults our most important allies.

We live in a country where trade war tariffs create havoc and in turn force the man who created them to give a 15 billion bailout to the very people who accuse people of color of taking handouts at their expense.

What you choose to live with is your personal decision.  I am just the voice of one single American.   But I am also a child of the sixties, who demonstrated and mobilized and helped take down a President who not only kept us in a war that he knew was unwinnable but treated this country with the exact kind of thug behavior that this current President is exhibiting.

The Helsinki Summit should have been the end of him.  In the just-released transcripts from that event, the White House has edited out all of his statements which featured him turning his back on America and the entire intelligence community.  It took out his embracing Putin and his amazing offer to have us send him Americans to interrogate.

It's time to make America Wake Again.  But that begins with you, and then me and then everyone else who is so sick and tired of feeling like any one of Trump's women of the past.  I am tired of having his hands on me.  I am tired of him pawing at me.   I am tired of empowering him.  I'm tired of being impassive and feeling victimized and worse helpless.

I am tired of the AB-USA-ER.

America was created as a direct response of imperialism, Boston Tea Party tariffs and tyranny.  

 It is time to recreate ourselves once again.

Let The American Re-revolution begin.


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